these are interactive forums allowing parents engage with various emerging issues consequently giving them variety of approaches in their daily value-based parenting skills.
Judges 2:10 It is tempting to leave the job of teaching the Christian faith to the church or Christian schools. Yet God says that the responsibility for this task belongs primarily to the family. Because children so much learn from example, the home offers the most effective place to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Proverb 22:6 Parents should discern the individuality and special strengths that God has given each one. While we should not condone self-will, each child has natural inclinations that parents can develop. By training parents, grandparents, we can better discern and develop the individual capabilities of each child. Many parents want to make all the choices for the child but this hurts him or her in the long run. When parents teach a child how to make decisions, they don’t have to watch every step he or she takes. They know their children will remain in the right path because they have made the choice themselves. Train your children to make the right way
b. Single parent children’ mentorship (SPCM): a program aimed at helping children from dysfunctional homes have a balanced angle of sight to life and envision themselves privileged by having gone through tough upbringing.
Psalm 146:9 God’s plan is to frustrate the “wicked” because his plans are the opposite of the society’s. Jesus turned the society’s values upside down when He proclaimed that, ‘…those who are considered least important now will be the greatest – Mathew 19:30’
Isaiah 1:17 rulers were warned no to take advantage of the fatherless but represent them instead.
1 Timothy 5:4 these children should be taught how to take care of their single parents and support them by putting their religion in practice.
James 1:27 b caring for these persons, we are putting God’s word into practice. God views all people as equals and if He favors anyone, it is the poor and powerless. We should follow his example.