Welcome to Uzima Heritage Association of Kenya (UHAK)

Children are our Heritage - Psalms 127:3

UHAK is an inter-denominational Christian organization that works with Churches and like-minded organizations in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Our aim is to, “Build God’s word in the hearts of children and young people through prayer, study, fun-filled activities and worship for a godly productive future”.

In partnership and through a variety of specialized programs, we render unbiased service to the community and institutions by offering holistic programs that are creatively tailor- made for various people groups within the republic of Kenya.


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Capacity development for children’ workers (CDCW)
Capacity development for children’ workers (CDCW)

We train children workers progressively to enhance relevance and age-appropriate approaches.
Ezra 7:10 we should determine both to study, teach and to obeys God’s word. James 3:1 Teaching is highly valued and respected because it affects professions. James warned that although it is good to aspire to teach, teacher’s responsibilities is great because their words and example affects others spiritual lives. If you are in a teaching or a leadership role, how are you affecting those you lead? One needs to be well trained for such work.

Vacational Bible Schools and camps for children and teens VBSC
Vacational Bible Schools and camps for children and teens VBSC

These are Christian education programs, featuring Bible characters, topical studies, art and crafts and recreation conducted by mature Christian teachers during school holidays.
We both create new and customize themes to match and complement the various curriculums they could be subjected to so as to strengthen their ability to capture Biblical truths, principles and practically enhance life and coping skills among other areas of focus at the time
Ecclesiastes 1:13 neither wisdom nor accomplishments can make one truly happy. True wisdom and true happiness come from pleasing God.
12:12 we should use the best of time by learning the important truths in God’s word. They affect this life and eternity. Wise students of the bible will understand and do what it says.
John 5:39 don’t become so involved in, ‘Religion’ that you miss Christ.
2 Timothy 2:15 Because God will examine us, we should build our lives on his word and build his word into our lives. It tells us how to live for Him and serve him. Consistent and diligent study of God’s word is vital; otherwise, we shall be lured into neglecting God and our true purpose for living.

Life-skills and Discipleship for both girls and boys (LSD)
Life-skills and Discipleship for both girls and boys (LSD)

The life-skills and discipleship program touches on the aspects that affect children, teens and youth directly. This life-skills package is designed to guide the young ones into creating right values that will lead to rational decision-making and ability to cope with issues which they face daily.
Deuteronomy 6: 4-9. Making God part of our everyday experiences. Teaching children diligently to see God in all aspects of life, not just those that are church related.
The plight of the boy child: There is a predicament about men and them not taking their place in the society. This has brought a break down in the family and society at large. The boy child has become timid and lacks sufficient role models to learn from and follow after. We aim at empowering the boy to know his role and be able to handle the empowered girl child/ women in his present and future.

Children worship experiences and Praiseobics (CWEP
Children worship experiences and Praiseobics (CWEP

enhancing children connectedness to God through sound Christian music.
Joel 2:32. Joel envisioned a time when the spirit would be available to every believer. Ezekiel also spoke of an outpouring of the Spirit (Ezekiel 39:28, 29). God’s Spirit is available today to anyone who calls on the Lord for salvation.
Psalm 96:6 songs, shout, gratitude and praise erupted from those gathered to worship the Lord. While there are certainly many examples of stillness and silence in God’s presence taught and illustrated in Scripture, there are equally as many examples of raucous worship. Both peaceful silence and enthusiastic praise are appropriate expressions of worship to our great God
Psalm 100:2, John 4:21-24 the location of worship is not nearly as important as the attitude of the worshippers. “God is Spirit” means he is not a physical being limited to one place. He is present everywhere, and he can be worshiped anywhere at any time. It is not where we worship that counts but how we worship. Is your worship genuine and true? Do you have the Holy Spirit’s help? (Slogan- Fine tuning our prophetic frequency; Accessing greater kingdom dimensions and realities)

Parenting seminars and counselling services (PSCS)
Parenting seminars and counselling services (PSCS)

these are interactive forums allowing parents engage with various emerging issues consequently giving them variety of approaches in their daily value-based parenting skills.
Judges 2:10 It is tempting to leave the job of teaching the Christian faith to the church or Christian schools. Yet God says that the responsibility for this task belongs primarily to the family. Because children so much learn from example, the home offers the most effective place to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Proverb 22:6 Parents should discern the individuality and special strengths that God has given each one. While we should not condone self-will, each child has natural inclinations that parents can develop. By training parents, grandparents, we can better discern and develop the individual capabilities of each child. Many parents want to make all the choices for the child but this hurts him or her in the long run. When parents teach a child how to make decisions, they don’t have to watch every step he or she takes. They know their children will remain in the right path because they have made the choice themselves. Train your children to make the right way
b. Single parent children’ mentorship (SPCM): a program aimed at helping children from dysfunctional homes have a balanced angle of sight to life and envision themselves privileged by having gone through tough upbringing.
Psalm 146:9 God’s plan is to frustrate the “wicked” because his plans are the opposite of the society’s. Jesus turned the society’s values upside down when He proclaimed that, ‘…those who are considered least important now will be the greatest – Mathew 19:30’
Isaiah 1:17 rulers were warned no to take advantage of the fatherless but represent them instead.
1 Timothy 5:4 these children should be taught how to take care of their single parents and support them by putting their religion in practice.
James 1:27 b caring for these persons, we are putting God’s word into practice. God views all people as equals and if He favors anyone, it is the poor and powerless. We should follow his example.

Leadership development for young leaders (LDYL)
Leadership development for young leaders (LDYL)

Trainings and workshops developing young leaders within their unique environments.
Hosea 4:6 God accused the religious leaders of keeping the people from knowing Him. Spiritual leadership is a heavy responsibility. Whether you teach a church, school class, hold a church office, or lead a Bible study, don’t take your leadership responsibilities lightly. Be a leader who leads other to God.

Scripture Heritage Services (SHS)
Scripture Heritage Services (SHS)

This is the material development arm of Uzima Heritage Association of Kenya. SHS aims at creatively develop Bible based materials for use in all Programme Work areas of UHAK. These materials and customized for each group, integrating Spiritual Nurture with Life skills for a balanced approach to all our programs.
2 Tim 2:15-16 NKJV
15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.
Acts 17:11-12 New Living Translation
11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message. They searched the Scriptures Day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.


Some Golden Words

These programs help the children differentiate bad from good things. they have made our children more courageous, improved spiritual growth in pupils and enabled growth in their faith and accepted God as their provider and caregiver of life. It has also enabled learners to improve in academic work. as a school, we request that you visit us regularly and support us with scripture learning materials. - Oasis Academy, Kolowa- East Pokot - Tukei and Watibini

- Tukei and Watibini

The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Your programes have improved communication skills of our children. - Curriculum Support Officer, Ng'oron and Kapunyany Zones

- Kamkar

The camp was soo good especially class lessons. the learners have enjoyed. it was child friendly and centred. The facilitators were soo well equipped with the necessarry skills for the entire program. - Kibingor and Sandai CDCs

- Bowen & Tadayo


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    Learn form best
    Bsp. Solomon Njoroge

    Human endeavors are only of value if engaged with God in mind and with His blessing.
    Likewise, the pursuit of bearing and rearing children is only fulfilled if God blesses. Children are not ultimately the product of human effort, but “children are a heritage (or gift) from the Lord.”

    Ms Sylvia Macharia
    Program Work Coordinator

    The world is constantly changing. Growing up today is different than it was years ago. It is important to remember that although young people have many needs, it is God who can supply all their needs. Our role is to guide them to God and show them, by our example, how to rely on God.

    Vision Carrier
    Rev. Joseph Njuguna
    Vision Carrier

    As we navigate the complexities of today's world, it's imperative that our approach to ministry reflects a holistic understanding of the needs of children, teens and youth. Embracing a comprehensive ministry model means addressing not only their spiritual development but also their emotional, social, and intellectual well-being.

    Board Member
    Dr. Elizabeth Muoria

    Children are a gift from God and are examples of humility. It is our duty and responsibility as stewards to welcome children, point them in the right direction, engage them with the word of God, draw them to and train them to follow Jesus, encourage them to praise and worship God, teach them to honour their parents. Our responsibility is to protect them.


    Years of Experiences


    Children and Families Reached


    Churches, Schools and Institutions Reached



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