Dear friend,

You are most welcome to this season’s Vacational Bible School, (VBS)

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On behalf of the entire Scripture Heritage fraternity, I welcome you to an exciting divine timing where we shall learn together the mind of God. We shall hear and learn together from the Bible and have several exciting activities that will help us practice what we are learning. We have been praying for you when you were in school and we are grateful to God that he has protected you this far together with your families.

Our theme poses a question to us, HAVE YOU NEVER READ? It is derived from Mathew 21: 16. Jesus asked that question to religious people after He had, with great annoyance, cleared the temple. Merchants and money changers set up their booths in the temple, crowding up the gentiles who had come from all over the civilized world to worship God. The merchants sold sacrificial animals at high prices, taking advantage of those who had come long distances. The money changers exchanged all international currency for the special temple coins (the only money the merchants would accept). 

They often deceived foreigners who did not know the exchange rates. Their commercialism in God’s house frustrated people’s attempt at worship. This greatly angered Jesus. Any practice that interferes with worshiping God should be stopped. Even in our individual lives and at our various age groups. Some of the things that are trendy today do not please God and therefore we should be careful to hear God’s guidance in all things in our day.

May our God build you and may you become a pattern that many children and young people today and in the future, will emulate for the Glory of God.

In Christ’s service,

Joseph Njuguna,

Progamme Work Coordinator.

To get a copy of this book for your child/children leave a comment or contact us through uzimaheritagekenya@gmail.com or +254 725 977 303/ +254 784 977 300

Posted in: Children

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